Friday, August 1, 2008

Iron Lady of Ami-Yani

Let us introduce the person who has worked so hard to make it all happens. My husband's transfer to bandar wasnt expected to us. We were not ready for it either. But duty calls. One has to sacrificed. With his transfer, i was almost left alone dealing with the renovation work, the unpacking of our imported stuffs, decorating of the gallery. Preparing with the paper works, interviewing candidates and so forth.

Luckily my long time soulmate were always around. Masuriyanti Ibrahim. Can call her mas or yanti. She's working with the giant Oil Company. Busy with work, life and her two children, she managed to give her time to help me out at the gallery. We've worked through days and nights, cleaning, arranging, etc.

We both had to dismantle the rented pelamins and later put back up again. Screws, ladder and cable wires are no stanger to us. ;-) Well, that was then, now the gallery has it own Indonesian driver and worker. We can lay off a bit. Decorating will still be our main role.

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